Our spiritual preparation for Shri Kartikeya Seminar & Puja.
Let us take the time to prepare ourselves spiritually, to ensure we fully absorb Shri Mataji’s vibrations that will flow when we worship Her as Shri Kartikeya. Below is a selection of videos and the 108 Names of Shri Kartikeya to help us with our own preparations.
Shri Kartikeya Puja (Marathi with translation & English) Mumbai 21st Dec 1996
(Full transcript with video and audio)
Shri Kartikeya Puja. Grosshartpenning, Munich (Germany), 13 July 1986.
(Full transcript with video and audio)
Meditation on Shri Kartikeya
The 108 Names of Shri Kartikeya
The 108 Names of Shri Kartikeya
Skandaya (Hail Skanda) Vanquisher of mighty foes.
Guhaya Praise be to the mighty Lord, He who abides in the hearts of devotees true.
Shanmukhaya Praise be to the six-faced one.
Bhala Netrasutaya Praise be to the Son of the three-eyed Shiva
Prabave Praise be to the Lord supreme.
Pingalaya Praise be to the golden-hued one.
Kruttikasunave Hail to the Son of the starry maids.
Shikhi Vahanaya Hail to the rider on the peacock.
Dwadash-bhujaya Hail to the Lord with the twelve hands.
Dwadash-netraya Hail to the Lord with twelve eyes.
Shakti-dharaye Hail to the wielder of the lance.
Pishitāsha prabhanjana Praise be to the destroyer of the asuras.
Tarakasura Samharine Praise be to the destroyer of Tarakasura.
Rakshobala Vimardanaya Praise be to the victor over the asuric forces
Mattay Praise be to the Lord of felicity.
Pramattay Praise be to the Lord of Bliss.
Unmattay Hail, oh passionate One.
Sura Sainya Surakshakaya Hail, saviour of the devas.
Deva-senapataye Hail, commander of the heavenly hosts.
Pradnaye Hail, Lord of widwom.
Krupalave Hail, compassionate One.
Bhakta-vatsalaya Lover of devout ones, praise be to Thee.
Umasutaya Son of Uma, praise be to Thee.
Shakti-dharaya Oh, mighty Lord, praise be to Thee.
Kumaraya Lord of eternal youth, praise be to Thee.
Krauncha Taranaye He who rent as under the krauncha mount, Praise be to Thee.
Senanye Praise be to the Army chief.
Agni-janmane To the effulgence of fire, all hail.
Vishakhaye To Him who shone on the astral visaka, All hail.
Shankar-atmajaye Thou, son of Sankara, all hail.
Shiva-swamine Thou, Preceptor of Shiva, all hail.
Gana-swamine Oh Lord of the Ganas, all hail.
Sarva-Swamine Oh Lord God Almighty, all hail.
Sanatanaya Oh Lord eternal, praise be to Thee.
Anant-shaktaye Thou, potent Lord, praise be to Thee.
Akshobhyaye Unsullied by arrows art Thou, praise be to Thee.
Parvatipriya Nandanaya Thou, beloved of Parvati, praise be to Thee.
Ganga Sutaya On, son of Goddess Ganga, praise be to Thee.
Sharod bhutaya Hail, Thou who did nestle in the Saravanai Lake.
Pavak-atmajaya Hail, Thou who are born of fire.
Abhuthaya Hail, Thou, the Unborn Lord.
Agni-garbhaya Hail, Thou who didst sustain the fire.
Shami-garbhaya Hail, Thou who didst arise out of the Vanni flame.
Vishwaretase Thou, Glory of the absolute Paramsiva, all hail.
Surarighne Oh, Subduer of the foes of the devas, all hail.
Hiranya-varnaya Thou, respondent One, all hail.
Shubhakrute Thou, auspicious One, all hail.
Vasumate Oh, Splendour of the Vasus, all hail.
Vadavesh-bhrute Praise be to Thee, a Lover of celibacy.
Jhrumbaye Praise be to Thee, oh Peerless One.
Pra-jhrumbaye Praise be to Thee, Auspicious One.
U-jhrumbaye Praise be to the Invincible One.
Kamalasana Samstutaya Praise be to the Lord extolled by Brahma.
Ekavarnaya The One Word art Thou, all hail.
Dvivarnaye In Two art Thou, all hail.
Trivarnaye Thou are the Three, all hail.
Chaturvarnaye In Four art Thou, all hail.
Panchavarnaye In Five Letters art Thou
Prajapataye Father of all Creation, all hail.
Bhooshane Thou, Luminous Sun, all hail.
Gabhastaye Thou, Effulgence Divine, all hail.
Gahanaye Thou, Omniscient One, all hail.
Chandra Varnaye Thou, Radiance of the Moon, praise be to Thee.
Kaladharaye Thou who adorns the Crescent, praise be to Thee.
Maya dharaye Energy art Thou, praise be to Thee.
Maha Mayine Great Delusion too, art Thou, praise be to Thee.
Kaivalyaya Everlasting Joy of Attainment, praise be to Thee.
Sahat-atmakaya Thou who art all pervading, all hail.
Viswa-yonaye Source of all existence, all hail.
Amey-atmane Oh Supreme Splendour, all hail.
Tejo-nidhaye Illumination Divine, all hail.
Anamayaya Saviour of all ills, all hail.
Parameshthine Thou are Immaculate, Lord, all hail.
Gurave Oh, Matchless Guru, praise be to Thee.
Para Brahmane Thou, Transcendent One, praise be to Thee.
Veda Garbhaye The Quintessence of the Vedas art Thou, praise be to Thee.
Pulinda-kanya Pataye Praise be to the Lord of Vali.
Maha-sarasvat-pratyaye Praise be to the Source or Gnosis.
Ashrita akhila-datre Praise be to Him who showers Grace on those who seek His solace.
Shulaghnay Praise be to Him who annihilates those who steal.
Roga-nashanaye Praise be to the Divine Healer.
Ananta Murthaye Praise be Thine whose Forms are endless.
Anandaye Praise be Thine, oh Thou Infinite Bliss.
Sikhandi-kruta Ketanay Praise be Thine, oh Thou, Lord of the Peacock Banner.
Dambhaye Praise be to Thee, oh Lover of Gay Exuberance.
Parama Dambhaye Praise be to Thee, Oh Symbol of Superb Liveliness.
Maha Dambhaye Praise be to Thee, Oh Lord of Lofty Magnificience.
Vrusha Kapaye Thou, who art the Culmination of all Dharma, hail.
Karanot-patti-dehaye Thou, who designed Embodiment for a Cause, all hail.
Karanatita Vigrahaye Form transcending casual experience, all hail.
Aneeshwaraya Oh, Eternal, Peerless Plentitude.
Amrutaye Oh, Everlasting Nectar, all hail.
Pranaye Thou, Life of Life, praise be unto Thee.
Prana-dharaye Thou, Support of all beings, praise be Unto Thee.
Paravaraye Oh, Sovereign Goodness, praise unto Thee.
Rudha-khandare Praise unto Thee, who subjugates all hostile forces.
Viraghnaye Thou, Vanquisher of heroic opponents, Praise unto Thee.
Rakta-shyam-galaye Thou art Love and of Crimson Beauty, praise unto Thee.
Loka Gurave Oh, Universal Teacher, praise unto Thee.
Su-pingalaye Distilled Sweetness, all praise to Thee.
MahanOh, Consummation of Glory, all praise to Thee.
Subrah-manyaye We Praise Thee, oh Effulgent Radiance.
Guha Priyaye We Praise Thee, oh Dweller in the Cove of Hearts.
BrahmanYe We Praise Thee, Luminous Wisdom Serene.
Brahmana Priyaye We Praise Thee, Beloved of seers.
Sarveshwaraye We Praise Thee, Sovereign Lord Almighty.
Akshaye Phala Pradaye We Praise Thee, oh Bestower of Beneficence Ineffable.
Nishkalankaye We Praise Thee, Faultless Brilliance.
Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi
Namoh Namah
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